360 Box Internet Wireless X
Wine and dine, then go online: Wireless internet marketing pitch (Summit Sun)
"WINE and dine and go online at Goulburn" may be the marketing pitch for an idea The Goulburn Group (TGG) is pitching to hook up the city's CBD to wireless internet.
Wireless connections (The Huntington Herald-Dispatch)
Want to check your e-mail around Huntington? You don't have to wait until the city installs video surveillance cameras that also provide wireless internet service. Several places already offer the wireless internet service:
K.G. creeps toward speedier Internet (The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star)
Wireless still creeping along in K.G.; test user gives system good review
Aruba Networks Supplies Wireless LANs for 2,000 Wi-Fi Hotspots Covering Some 350 Hong Kong Government Premises (Marketwire via Yahoo! Finance)
Aruba Networks, Inc., a global leader in adaptive wireless LANs and secure unified mobility solutions, today announced that it is supplying secure wireless equipment to PCCW-HKT Network Services Limited for use at roughly 2,000 new Wi-Fi hot spots serving some 350 Hong Kong Government premises.
T-Mobile USA Challenges The FCC's Free Wireless Internet Plan (paidContent.org via Yahoo! Finance)
Yesterday, T-Mobile USA Exec Cole Brodman flew out to D.C. to plead with the FCC to reconsider a proposal that would require bidders in the next spectrum auction to offer free Internet access, Dow Jones reported.
Court house wireless internet access praised (Morris Ledger)
Jury duty took Anthony Perella away from his office, but that didn't mean his work had to wait. The warehousing company executive spent his downtime at the Morris County Courthouse staying on top of e-mails and online reports, thanks to a new wireless internet connection in the building.
Discernity to become DirecTV dealer (BizJournals)
Louisville wireless Internet company Discernity LLC recently reached an agreement with DirecTV Inc. to become the satellite TV company?s only licensed dealer in the Louisville region.
posted by Eugenia Loli-Queru on Fri 18th May 2007 07:44 UTC (New Mobile Computing)
Most of my readers know that I love cellphones, PDAs and gadgets. Many of these gadgets do not have WiFi in them, but they do support the PAN-client Bluetooth profile which allows them to get wireless internet connectivity (e.g. the Palm Treo). To achieve this, you need to have a PAN-server.
Hoping to lure younger visitors, Itasca State Park gives wireless Internet a try (Crookston Daily Times)
PARK RAPIDS, Minn. (AP) - With attendance slumping among younger adults, Itasca State Park has added wireless Internet to lure more visitors.
Gladstone to discontinue wireless Internet service (The Escanaba Daily Press)
GLADSTONE - The city of Gladstone recently decided to discontinue offering wireless broadband internet service to residents due to high costs and low revenues. City Manager Brant Kucera said the former administration (former city manager) promoted the service in hopes it would boost the economy.