African Animal Info Zebra
Profile: Lawrence Anthony (The New Statesman)
Born in 1950 in Johannesburg, Anthony was then raised in remote rural areas of Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. ?My father worked for a South African insurance company in the then federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and we travelled to and lived in tiny outback towns.?
Cows seem to know which way is north (KSWO Lawton-Wichita Falls)
Talk about animal magnetism, cows seem to have a built-in compass. No bull: Somehow, cattle seem to know how to find north and south, say researchers who studied satellite photos of thousands of cows around the world.� Most cattle that were grazing or resting tended to align their bodies in a north-south direction, a team of German and Czech researchers reports in Tuesday's issue of Proceedings ...
Georgia Aquarium now home to the U.S.'s only manta ray (USA Today)
The ray, named "Nandi" after the mother of Shaka Zulu, was rescued from shark nets along the South African coast last year.
Animal magnetism: Cows may be able to sense magnetic field (Wisconsin State Journal)
WASHINGTON ? Talk about animal magnetism, cows seem to have a built-in compass. No bull: Somehow, cattle seem to know how to find north and south, say researchers who studied satellite photos of thousands of cows around the world. Most cattle that were grazing or resting tended to align their bodies in a north-south direction, a team of German and Czech researchers reports in Tuesday's issue of ...
It's a moo-stery: Cows seem to know which way is north (USA Today)
No bull: Somehow, cattle seem to know how to find north and south, say researchers who studied satellite photos of thousands of cows around the world.
Zoo: Heart, lung woes killed Petal (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Petal, the Philadelphia Zoo's beloved African elephant, died of acute heart and lung failure after she fell on her side while sleeping, zoo officials said yesterday.
A blogger's African dad came here on the same airlift as Obama's dad. All similarities end there (LA Weekly)
I don't know what my pet sitter does when I'm gone. Does she light incense and chant to cast a spell? Does she get out her pendulum and practice hypnosis? Or is it something she wears on her skin, some dewy fragrance that works on four-leggeds the way the piper's flute did on the rats of Hamelin?
Cows' compass is pure animal magnetism (CNN.com)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Talk about animal magnetism, cows seem to have a built-in compass.
Study shows cows prefer north-south position (The Kansas City Star)
WASHINGTON | Talk about animal magnetism — cows seem to have a built-in compass. No bull: Somehow, cattle seem to know how to find north and south, say researchers who studied satellite photos of thousands of cows around the world.
Cows may bear innate compass (Madera Tribune)
WASHINGTON - Talk about animal magnetism, cows seem to have a built-in compass. No bull: Somehow, cattle seem to know how to find north and south, say researchers who studied satellite photos of thousands of cows around the world.