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Pope: Christianity an Encounter With a Person (Zenit News Agency)
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 3, 2008 ( ).- Christianity is not a moral code or a philosophy, but an encounter with a person, says Benedict XVI.

By the numbers Christianity in the U.S. (The Lewiston Sun Journal)
By the numbers Christianity in the U.S. 30.1: Percent of population in Oregon that adheres to Christianity (lowest in country). 30.2: Percent in Nevada.

Palin, proselytize and Jews for Jesus (The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles)
Most Christians consider me a Jew for Jesus. But whenever they say this, I feel it necessary to correct them. I am, in fact, an ethnic Jew who believes in Jesus , but Jews for Jesus belong to a certain group of evangelical missionaries who proselytize Jews by presenting Christianity in a Jewish wrapper.

Save Me (2007) (New York Times)
The most popular movies among readers. They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and in this look at one of the most polarizing religious and sexual debates in America, filmmaker Robert Cary attempts to reconcile homosexuality with Christianity.

Top Three Election Issues for Active Christians (Christian News Wire)
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 4 / Christian Newswire / -- While it may appear in the media that gender, race, and teen pregnancy are the top issues in the 2008 presidential election, a new poll by Christianity Today International's says Active Christians* are still concerned about economy and national security.

You don't have to be vindictive to be funny (Independent Online)
Helen Brain discovers the funniest satirical website of the week - which pokes gentle fun at evangelical Christianity.

America was founded on secular beliefs (Greeley Tribune)
On Aug. 19 in The Tribune, a local minister took Ken Whitney to task for remarks he made in these pages about the Founding Fathers and fundamentalist Christianity.

They Raise Children, Pray and Support Palin (New York Times)
Gov. Sarah Palin has a following of women in Alaska who are as dedicated to her as other women were to a very different version of the modern female politician, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

'Save Me': Nothing a Little Praying Can't Fix (The New York Sun)
When a film about an ex-gay Christian ministry begins with drug-addled homosexual sex, it's pretty clear where it's going to end up. Robert Cary's redemption tale "Save Me," which opens in the city on Friday, spends a lot of time flirting with a subsection of evangelical Christianity, but from the beginning it's clear that the relationship isn't going anywhere. Robert Desiderio's screenplay ...

By the numbers Christianity in the U.S. (The Lewiston Sun Journal)
30.1: Percent of population in Oregon that adheres to Christianity (lowest in country).

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