Company Disability Insurance Long Term
It's important for investors to not just look at life insurance (MSN Money Canada)
TORONTO - insurance is one of those items where people know what they should have - for example, coverage for auto and house. But they'll sometimes tend to put off the other products like life insurance or long term disability.
Some disabled Arizonans will lose state health insurance (ABC 15 Phoenix)
A temporary health-insurance plan for Arizonans on disability has been shut down by the state for lack of funding. The 8 million dollar program is a casualty of Arizona's fiscal woes.
8/03 Ask the lawyer (The Lufkin Daily News)
Dear Jeff: I have been denied by the Social Security Administration for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits because of a lack of work history. Is there any way I can still be approved for Medicare coverage? Signed, "Falling Through the Cracks"
An insurance policy for stormy times (Seattle Times)
Most Americans have auto insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, homeowners or renters insurance, life insurance, maybe disability...
Sick and homeless, man gets SSI benefits days before dying (The Oregonian)
Bobby Rutherford was a casualty of Social Security's other disability program. The native Oklahoman, homeless and mentally ill, was one of the roughly 1 million people who apply each year for Social Security's Supplemental Security Income.
Umbrella liability insurance: Buying peace of mind (The Standard-Times)
CHICAGO ? Most Americans have auto insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, homeowners or renters insurance, life insurance, maybe disability insurance.
Health Exam Tactics Can Cut Costs (Investor's Business Daily via Yahoo! News)
Insurance medical exams may not be as certain as death and taxes, but they're not far behind. You'll probably take one when you apply for nongroup life insurance.
New Website Helps Doctors and Dentists Locate Disability Insurance (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)
Doctor Disability recently launched a redesigned website that allows physicians and dentists to request disability insurance quotes, compare quotes, and get custom disability insurance plans.
Getting disability payments can be a fight to the death (The Oregonian)
Patricia Heimerl landed her first job in high school, bought a house at 22, and worked the last eight years of a long office career at Intel. She paid her bills, built a retirement account and, like most Americans, watched as Social Security took its cut from every paycheck.
Citizens Insurance plans office hours in Sebastian (Vero Press Journal)
Citizens Property insurance Corp. will be conducting office hours in Rep. Ralph Poppell's Sebastian office Thursday. A senior staff member with Citizens will be available to answer questions and assist constituents who have been experiencing difficulties with their policy.