Entertainment France in Job
Bill Yung?s Tropicana loss complete (BizJournals)
Northern Kentucky hotel mogul Bill Yung stands to lose more than $500 million from the bankruptcy of Tropicana entertainment LLC, which is relocating its headquarters to Las Vegas and canceling management-services contracts worth more than $1 million a year with Yung?s hotel company, Columbia Sussex Corp.
Nigeria: I Would Have Been a Full Time House Wife - Muma Gee (AllAfrica.com)
Delectable vocalist, song writer, producer and actress, Chief Gift Owame popularly known as Muma Gee, is one of the famous female musicians in the Nigerian entertainment industry.
Developer hopes visas for rich save Houston Old Chinatown (Houston Chronicle)
In exchange for a $1 million business investment that creates at least 10 jobs for at least two years, the immigrant gets permanent residency in the U.S., or what's known as a "green card."
State short of tech workers (Detroit News)
Companies nationwide are laboring to fill information technology jobs, the result of a shortage of computer workers that is particularly acute in Michigan.
Jack Zink, South Florida Entertainment Critic and Columnist, Dies at 61 (Playbill via Yahoo! News)
Jack Zink, a major voice in South Florida entertainment coverage for more than three decades, died Aug. 18 from cancer. He was 61, and most recently served as the theatre and classical music critic and cultural affairs writer for The South Florida Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale.
The Workplace: Making Bold Moves in Tough Times (BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! News)
How do you get ahead on the job when the labor market is crumbling? Michael Donaldson, an entertainment lawyer and author of Fearless Negotiating (McGraw-Hill; $16.95), says workers often have more power than they think they do, even in tough times. Personal Finance Editor Lauren Young asked Donaldson for negotiating tips.
Selling tickets in economic downturn takes creativity (Sun-Sentinel)
Economy pushes S. Florida teams to offer ticket deals, promotions When jobs get scarce and budgets tighten, spending on entertainment is one of the first things to go. That's why South Florida's professional sports teams are working overtime to woo fans.
MacDailyNews - Where Mac news comes first (Mac Daily News)
"On Nov. 10, 2004, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had a strained conversation with Tim Bucher, one of the company's engineering executives. According to a lawsuit later filed by Bucher, Jobs said: 'People think you are sometimes manic-depressive.... I think I'm going to have to ask you to leave the company.'
Pageant helps build character (Timmins Daily Press)
There is something about a fall fair that brings us back to simpler times. Yes, many of the activities and much of the entertainment associated with fairs has changed over the years. But the core of the event remains the same: Wholesome family fun. The Harvest Queen Pageant [...]
Capella novel provides some pure entertainment (DeWitt-Bath Review)
The book that I most enjoyed reading this summer was "The Wedding Officer" by Anthony Capella. There are books that have a message, or make you think, or make you wonder, but sometimes we read purely for entertainment. This is it.