Family Spring Break Travel
Family hits up tropical beaches, boiling mud pools (Saskatoon StarPhoenix)
The Jasieniuk family left Saskatoon Aug. 24 for the South Pacific island of Rarotonga, the first stop in their year-long journey. Sandy and Jim Jasieniuk and their children Simon, 14, and Rebecca, 11, will travel through an estimated 30 countries from New Zealand to Cambodia, Tanzania to Norway. They will be filing periodic updates to The StarPhoenix. Here is the first instalment.
A Special Holiday Greetings Episode of W, the Women�s Show Offers Tips for Safe, Hassle-Free Car Travel During the ... (wallstreet:online AG)
When hitting the roads to visit friends or family for the holidays the last thing travelers expect,
AD?s lament the high cost of travel (The Lompoc Record)
Consider this: A family of four heads off to see a local football game. They buy admission tickets, then tri-tip sandwiches, candy, popcorn and sodas. Suddenly, Dad?s wallet is empty.
Looking for a Family Friendly Alternative to the Summer Road Trip? (Carteret County News-Times)
(ARA) - With the price of a gallon of gas now hovering around $4, a lot of Americans are expected to forego the family road trip this summer. While that's bad news for gas stations, hotels and attractions, it'll likely mean a windfall for the home improvement industry.
Family Travel and Reunions on the Rise, ARDA Survey Says (Hospitality Net)
Honoring the long tradition of connecting far-flung families through timeshare resorts, the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) offers ?how-to? travel options to help make family reunions fun, affordable and stress-free. As the summer travel season closes, ARDA provides travelers looking ahead to next year?s family get-togethers with suggested reunion activities, location ideas and ...
Franchising family photos; Bend couple is expanding on their boutique portraiture business (The Bulletin)
KC and Lisa Flynn are in the business of documenting memories. Specifically, memories of children as they travel through the many stages of life.KC, Bend studio manager, and Lisa Flynn, CEO of franchise development, are co-owners of whippersnappers studio in Bend. The photography studio focuses on capturing moments of children and families in pictures, from birth to high school, with a primary ...
Travel Advantage Network Kicks Off Series of Surprise Parties for Clients (PR Newswire via Yahoo! News)
Travel Advantage Network (TAN) has found a unique way to show their over 78,000 clients how much they appreciate them, while adding a dash of mystery and intrigue.
Community Notes (Greene County Daily World)
Calvary Baptist Church, State Road 54 East in Linton, will conduct a Fall Revival Sept. 28 through Oct. 3. Guest speaker will be nationally-acclaimed evangelist Brian McBride. The evangelist and his family, from Michigan, travel across the country singing gospel music and preaching.
Local family has soldier going to Iraq, asks for help with travel expenses (Keokuk Daily Gate City)
MONTROSE - Family and friends will gather in Dave and Cookie Burdette's home in Montrose Saturday to say farewell to their son, U.S. Army Pvt. Jeff Wilbur. He is home on leave briefly before departing from his duty station, Fort Riley, Kan., in a few weeks for a year's deployment to Iraq.
A Special Holiday Greetings Episode of W, the Women's Show Offers Tips for Safe, Hassle-Free Car Travel During the ... (Centre Daily Times)
When hitting the roads to visit friends or family for the holidays the last thing travelers expect, or want to cope with, is their car malfunctioning. W, the women's show understands that many viewers are trying to reduce costs and are also uncertain as to what is really needed for proper car care. To provide tips for maintenance that can help prevent costly repairs or disruptions to holiday ...