Food in Infrared Near Science Spectroscopy Technology
Naturade Retains Milos Sarcev for Chief Science Officer (Marketwire via Yahoo! Finance)
Naturade, Inc. announced that Mr. Milos Sarcev has joined Naturade as its Chief science Officer.
Scientists tout success with drought-resistant plants: study (AFP via Yahoo! News)
With arid zones expanding worldwide, scientists have created transgenic plants able to survive extreme drought and thrive on far less water in an encouraging potential boon to food production, new research shows Monday.
Donations to food banks fall as companies streamline inventory (O'Fallon Journal)
Technology simplifies record keeping at the St. Louis Area Foodbank. Computers keep track of exactly how much and what kind of food is stored in the facility.
Nanotech projects for food sector outlined at conference (Food Production Daily)
26/11/2007 - Nanoengineered products for the food sector -- including a smart RFID nano sensor -- took centre stage at a two day conference held 20-21 November in Braga, Portugal to discuss the science of the miniscule.
Expert advises youngsters to discard junk food (New Kerala)
Bhopal, Nov 25: Children should avoid junk food and instead increase their regular intake of green vegetables and pulses to improve resistance and develop good health, biotechnologist Manju Sharma advised students at an interactive session here Sunday.
Our Enemy Hands (New York Times)
Learn from science as well as the wisdom of our ancestors, and wash your hands.
A love of preparing food first began through learning with her grandmother (The Shawano Leader)
After her daughter, Aria, and her husband, Corey, two things are very important to Kimberly Graff ? her job as market development manager at the Shawano Leader and preparing food. And while she likes her job, she loves to cook.
Red Wine Helps Defend Against Food-Borne Diseases, according to MU Researchers (Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune)
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Red wine is known to have multiple health benefits. wine may also protect humans from common food-borne diseases.
Indiana's New Science Prize Honors Drink Box Creator (Environment News Service)
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana , November 26, 2007 (ENS) - The state of Indiana has established a new science prize to recognize outstanding Hoosier scientists for their unique discoveries, research and inventions.
Need for R&D in science, technology (The Star--The People's Paper)
MALACCA: The Government has allocated RM2.7bil for research and development in the science and technology field, science, Technology and Innovation Ministry's parliamentary secretary Datuk Dr Mohd Ruddin Ab Ghani said here.