Los Cabos Family Travel
Family tribute to stabbed teenager (Press Assoc. via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News)
The family of stabbed 14-year-old Shaquille Smith said that the teenager will "always be in our hearts".
CREATIVITY is the bestTHERAPY (The Huntsville Times)
Melonie King relies on family heritage, spirituality, travel, a four-season calendar and nature to inspire her artwork. Although she has multiple sclerosis, King perseveres to create miniature paintings on canvas, which she calls Melonie's Mini-Art.
A Little Planning Can Make for the Most Memorable Family Gatherings (Maumelle Monitor)
(ARA) - Many families will be gathering this summer to share traditions and make new memories. More than seven out of 10 people agree that the best way to continue their family's traditions is through gatherings and celebrations, according to a new survey by Kelton Research.
Get the Most Out of Family Road Trips (Today's News-Herald)
(ARA) - The summer travel season is here and you're wondering where to go and what to do. But visions of summer vacations may change this year due to sky-high airline fares and the weakened U.S. dollar. How can you still plan the perfect family getaway? The answer is simple.
Virtual world may render college road trips useless (Republican-American)
Visiting colleges no longer means loading the family in the car to travel across the country. A campus tour is now a computer click away.
Time Share: A Great Vacation Opportunity for the Family (Carteret County News-Times)
(ARA) - With a busy family, hectic work schedule and decisions to be made daily on a variety of topics and issues, one thing the average person does not want to struggle over is where to vacation to get some rest.
Backyard Escapes Won't Break Summer Travel Budget (Carteret County News-Times)
(ARA) - In the wake of airfare increases and rising gas prices, many Americans are seeking creative ways to fulfill their urge to travel. By choosing destinations that are close to home and accessible on one tank of gas, travelers can easily track their expenses while enjoying the travel experience.
Travel Trends ? What?s new for 2009? (The Chattanoogan)
I have just returned from the annual Virtuoso Travel Mart, sited at the grand Bellagio hotel on the Las Vegas strip.
BC150 & First Nations (Vancouver Sun)
If you are of first nations ancestry, share your family's journey over the last 150 years. Did your family travel or stay in one area? What types of traditions and legends, wisdom from family elders or languages still spoken have been passed down through this time?
A New and Growing Vacation Ownership Option (Carteret County News-Times)
(ARA) - The downturn in the real estate market has caused many people to forgo the purchase of a second home. But because they still want the opportunity to travel and spend time with friends and family, many are opting to become members of luxury travel destination clubs instead.