Money Much Need Number Retire Savage
Money stolen while traveling? (Chicago Tribune)
E-mailing strangers won't work, but these tips might. Question: I traveled to London for official purposes. Unfortunately all my money was stolen at the hotel. I don't know what to do or where to go. I didn't bring my phone, and the hotel telephone line was disconnected during the robbery, so I have access only to e-mails. Please, can you send me 1,500 pounds today so I can return home? As ...
How much pocket money does a freshman need? (The Standard-Times)
The biggest freshman class ever is headed to college in a few weeks. But there's one big issue that many parents have yet to resolve: How much should they give their kids for spending money?
Women's shelter in need of community help (News 8 Austin)
Victims of domestic violence might have one less place to go if money doesn't come soon. The Families in Crisis Women's Shelter in Temple is in need of more funding.
Board doesn't earmark sales tax money (The Hendersonville Times-News)
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners decided not to earmark money that would be raised from a local option sales tax but agreed to discuss the issue at the September meeting.
Lehman mulls sale of money management unit (International Herald Tribune)
Lehman is considering the sale of all or part of its prized money management division to private equity firms to raise billions of dollars of capital and ease the pressure caused by real-estate related losses.
Pakistan does not need 2008/09 loan, says IMF (Gulf Times)
KARACHI: Pakistan does not need to turn to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for money in the next 10 months if the government cuts spending and gets other sources of funding to offset falling reserves, a senior IMF official said.
$AVING YOU MONEY: Spare change can add up to big bucks (Muskogee Phoenix)
You might have a lot of money invested in your sofa or washing machine ? and even more in your old cookie jar. And we mean IN your sofa, washing machine or cookie jar.
I fear I can't retire. How can I know how much money I'll need? (The Indianapolis Star)
There are many factors to consider when trying to predict how much money you will need in retirement -- such as the age at which you expect to retire, your expected standard of living, anticipated health-care costs and other important considerations. And don't forget to include inflation! Let members of the Financial Planning Association of Greater Indiana help you sort out the details. Visit ...
No Need for Speed (The New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung)
This town has a lead foot. At least that?s what traffic surveys conducted in February by the city of New Braunfels would suggest. ?Sixty percent of the people driving through the city are speeding,? said City Manager Mike Morrison. ?We need to address that.?
Columbia County in need of frozen grant money (News 12 Augusta)
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue has a major, State-Wide grant frozen right now. A grant that could save the State, but cost everyone else.