Cb radio shops in Texas
I miss the old days, when times were simpler, and CB Radio was at it’s peak. Seems computer users have grown, but today cb radio is only a fraction as popular as it once was! It would be nice if we had exhibits like this again, however CB Radios have been sterotyped as being low technological break through, (which I disagree with) but it is still fun nonetheless!!! Easy? just see if the make and model number of your HAM / Scanner-Momitor/ CB radio is listed below . If it is, we have the CB service information you need.
Citizens Band (CB Radio Service) is a private two-way voice communication service for use in personal and business activities of the general public. Its communicating range is from one to ten miles. So far there is no CB specific equipment on the market and I think with such a limited service this situation is unlikely to change. However using a PC soundcard and a simple circuit (see WinPack Help Files) to operate the PTT together with AGWPE and WinPack you can get going without a hardware TNC. It is called the Amateur Radio Observation Service (AROS), and works through a network of observers who operate confidentially. If you send the information you have collected to AROS either directly or, preferably, via your club or repeater group, then AROS can look into the problem and attempt to resolve it.
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We keep a strong emphasis on customer service. Orders are shipped same day, or next business day. It is the responsibility of each participant to know the rules and regulations that apply to the radio service they use for the contest. We specialize in schematic diagrams and electronic circuit service information for old vintage tube radios. Please see below for a complete list of brands .
I use proper operating procedures on both services; that is to say that I speak on ham frequencies using language and words that my mother could listen to without being ashamed of me . When I talk on CB, my language is still as above, but I use the slang and style of my CB peers. But in 1959, HF frequencies and AM modulation was what was commonly available when the FCC attempted to create an inexpensive 'business band' radio service for the average person. As a customer you?ll be treated with the nothing less than exceptional service. We respond quickly to all sales inquiries and order questions, provide fast same-day shipping on all orders placed by 2:00 ET and offer a 120% satisfaction guarantee on all orders!
If you are unable to do this yourself, then arrange for it to be done by a technical friend you trust or by the service department of the store where you purchased the equipment. If this is not possible then most TV and radio repair shops should be able to assist you. Here you may ask questions about a product, sales or service pertaining to a current or future order. Please limit comments to questions/orders/transactions you are directly involved in.
