Chronic bronchitis cure treatment
Chronic bronchitis is a disease fairly prevalent in the industrialized metropolitan cities of India. It causes a big drain on economy due to loss of man hours of work in industries. Chronic bronchitis is a common problem affecting a large proportion of the adult population. People with chronic bronchitis are subject to recurrent attacks of bronchial inflammation called acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (AECBs). Chronic bronchitis is most common in countries where smoking is prevalent. Passive smoking, or exposure to secondhand smoke, also increases a person's risk for chronic bronchitis.
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The goal of therapy for chronic bronchitis is to provide relief of symptoms, prevent complications and slow the progression of the disease. Quitting smoking is also essential for patients with chronic bronchitis, since continuing to use tobacco will only further damage the lungs. The risk of chronic bronchitis is also increased in workers employed in certain occupations such as coal mining, welding, asbestos work, or grain handling. Chronic bronchitis is more frequent in males than in females and mortality rate is also higher in males.
Currently chronic bronchitis is treated with antibiotics, steroids, and bronchodilator inhalers.When gastro-esophageal reflux causes chronic bronchitis drugs that decrease stomach acid are used. Occasionally chronic bronchitis will "flare up" and become exacerbated. Chronic bronchitis is a clinical diagnosis characterized by a cough productive of sputum for over three months' duration during two consecutive years and airflow obstruction. These requisites exclude more transient causes of cough associated with sputum production, such as acute bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is most often caused by smoking or exposure to lung-irritating substances such as chemical fumes or dust, and does not go away quickly.
Chronic bronchitis is defined by the presence of a mucus-producing cough most days of the month, three months of a year for two successive years without other underlying disease to explain the cough. People with chronic bronchitis also have varying degrees of breathing difficulties. The status of bronchial cartilage degeneration in chronic bronchitis is unclear, and little is known about the chondrolytic mechanisms involved. The potential contributions of various inflammatory cells, chondrocytes and cartilage-degrading enzymes to cartilage atrophy have been examined. The more prolonged chronic bronchitis is frequently secondary to a serious underlying disorder. Chronic bronchitis affected 71,099 persons in the United States in 1986.
Unless some other factor can be isolated as the irritant that produces the symptoms, the first step in dealing with chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking. To alleviate any symptoms, a provider may prescribe a combination of medications that will both open up obstructed bronchial airways and thin obstructive mucus so that it can be coughed up more easily. Chronic bronchitis is defined clinically as cough productive of sputum for at least 3 months a year over 2 consecutive years. If airway limitation is also present you may experience symptoms of wheezing, chest tightness and breathlessness . Chronic bronchitis is irritation and inflammation (swelling) of the lining in the bronchial tubes (air passages). The irritation causes coughing and an excess amount of mucus in the airways.
The most important treatment for chronic bronchitis is to remove the irritation that is causing the condition. That means avoiding irritants such as cigarette smoke and polluted air. Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation, or irritation, of the airways in the lungs. Airways are tubes in your lungs that air passes through. The clinical course of chronic bronchitis is intermittently interrupted by acute exacerbations (AECB), especially during the winter months, characterised by an increase in cough, a change in the purulence and volume of sputum, or worsening of dyspnea. Although AECB can be caused by allergens, pollutants, inhaled irritants or viral infections, or by endogenous conditions such as left heart failure, most AECB are precipitated by bacterial infections (ABECB).
CONCLUSION: Chronic bronchitis is strongly associated with depression and anxiety. Because depression and/or anxiety may not only interfere with an attempt to stop smoking but also contribute significantly to experiencing low quality of life, it is important to consider these disorders and chronic bronchitis as different disease entities. The pathological basis of chronic bronchitis is mucus hypersecretion secondary to hypertrophy of the glandular elements of the bronchial mucosa. Patients with COPD have features of both conditions, although one may be more prominent than the other. Your doctor may prescribe oxygen if your chronic bronchitis is severe and medicine doesn't help you feel better. If your doctor prescribes oxygen for you, be sure to use it day and night to get the most benefit from it.
Mucous gland hyperplasia, the histologic correlate of chronic bronchitis is defined as a seromucous gland to wall thickness greater than 1/3. In this case the seromucous gland thickness (arrows) is more than 1/2 of the distance between the perichondrium and the epithelial basement membrane. One positive note about chronic bronchitis is that the outlook for recovery is good if you stop smoking and try to prevent repeated infections before any permanent lung damage occurs. The main way to treat chronic bronchitis is to avoid the irritant that is causing the illness. For allergy-induced bronchitis, this means removing the allergens from the home or work environment.
