Ciabatta Italian bread recipe
Like all bread, muffoletta is best enjoyed when taken fresh from the oven. However, unlike most other Italian breads, muffoletta is not harmed by freezing. Because the cooking time is longer with whole-grain rice, this risotto is cooked in the oven rather than on the stovetop, eliminating the need for almost constant stirring. This recipe is from The Essential EatingWell Cookbook, and is shown courtesy of
Once risen, mist with water and place in a preheated 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) oven. Mist loaves with water and turn occasionally while they bake. Preheat oven to 400?F. In a large bowl, toss bread, 1/3 cup olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic. Spray the dough generously with water from a water bottle and place in the oven on the baking stone. Immediately close the oven and bake for 3 minutes.
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Place in the pre heated oven and bake for 35-40 minutes, turning the baking pans around after 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool on wire racks. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Slice bread in half, horizontally, Mix butter, garlic, herbs, and parmesan cheese together and spread liberally on cut sides of loaf. Slide loaves onto a baking stone in a preheated 400 degree oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until hollow when tapped on top. I usually put a water soaked sneaker shoelace across the top of the loaf, this will cause it to split.
When you get past the pasta and start the "secondo piatto" (check my recipes), the bread returns to the table and you can eat to your heart's content. Maybe "heart's content" is inappropriate in this case. I made a few slight changes in the recipe--such as using 1 tsp garlic salt and 1 tsp garlic powder in place of regular salt and garlic cloves. I also eliminated the bread improver because I didn't know what it was and used only 1 tsp pepper. The accuracy of the recipes, their ingredients, the suggested preparation methods, and the quality of the resulting food is the responsibility of the individual submitting the recipes and the recipe user and not NACUFS. Mention of trade names or commercial products in the recipes does not imply endorsement by NACUFS.
My husband and I are on NO sugar diets and this recipe was the only one I found for making bread without sugar so we tried it. I can't say enough how really great this bread is.
