Prostatitis wikipedia stones
Acute bacterial prostatitis is rare, " chronic prostatitis " is very common, some reports estimate about half of the masculine population to be affected at least once in their life-time, others report even higher figures. Chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP) is the least frequent condition with only around 5% of all patients affected by "chronic prostatitis".
Acute bacterial prostatitis is a severe, debilitating condition that hits with all the subtlety of a Mack truck. No mystery here; men who have it know something is wrong, and they require immediate treatment. When cultures reveal no bacterial infection, prostatitis is usually difficult to cure. Most treatments for this kind of prostatitis relieve symptoms but may not cure the prostatitis.
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Prostatitis is often caused by bacteria similar to those which cause other types of urinary infections. Some patients have no evidence of bacteria in their prostates and they are often thought to carry smaller microorganisms like Chalmydia or Ureaplasma. Acute bacterial prostatitis is the least common of the categories but also the easiest to diagnose and treat. This form of prostatitis leads to a range of very uncomfortable and painful symptoms, including chills, fever, pain in the lower back and genital area, urinary frequency and urgency often at night, burning or painful urination, and body aches. The scope of treatments recommended for chronic abacterial prostatitis is a testament to how little is known about what causes the condition and how to treat it. As a result, chronic abacterial prostatitis often causes physician frustration, patient confusion and dissatisfaction, variable thresholds for referral, and potentially inappropriate antibiotic use.
Acute bacterial prostatitis is characterized by chills, high fever, urinary frequency and urgency, perineal and low back pain, varying degrees of symptoms of obstructed voiding, dysuria or burning on urination, nocturia, sometimes gross hematuria, and often arthralgia and myalgia. The prostate gland is tender, focally or diffusely swollen and indurated, and usually warm when gently palpated in the rectum. The topic of prostatitis is in the position that benign prostatic hyperplasia occupied less than a decade ago : an illness on the verge of a whole new level of understanding. Textbook of Prostatitis is the f?t comprehensive, multi-authored text in this exciting and expanding field. Nonbacterial prostatitis is typically a chronic, painful disease. The symptoms (including chills, fever , pain in the lower back and genital area, body aches, burning or painful urination, and the frequent and urgent need to urinate) characteristically go away and then come back without warning.
Getting an accurate diagnosis of your exact type of prostatitis is the key to getting the best prostatitis treatment . Even if you have no prostatitis symptoms , you should follow your doctor's suggestion to complete treatment. The nonbacterial form of chronic prostatitis is addressed in the eMedicine article Prostatitis, Nonbacterial . CBP causes an associated symptom complex and is characterized by recurrent urinary tract infections with a single organism that persists in the prostatic fluid. Prostatitis is traditionally classified into four groups: acute bacterial, chronic bacterial, chronic nonbacterial and prostatodynia (Table 2 ). This collaborative network has so far convened four consensus conferences (in 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2000) to define and classify the syndrome based on contemporary literature and clinical practice and thereby optimize the diagnosis and therapy.
Bacterial prostatitis is rare. However, the mainstays of treatment especially in newly-diagnosed, treatment-na?ve patients are long courses of oral antibiotics and alpha-blockers. Whether viruses also may cause prostatitis is debatable. Sometimes prostatitis is caused by a sexually transmitted organism, such as chlamydia. However, most cases are caused by infections that are not sexually transmitted.
The diagnosis of chronic idiopathic prostatitis is differentiated from that of acute prostatitis by a lack of prostatic inflammation with no significant leukocytes or bacteria in the expressed secretions, and the patients are not acutely ill. Despite these diagnostic criteria, the etiology of chronic idiopathic prostatitis is unknown. If more white blood cells than normal are seen, the diagnosis of prostatitis is made. The diagnosis is also made if bacteria are cultured from this specimen, or from the urine voided right after prostate massage. Prostatitis is a common cause of visits to primary care physicians and urologists. In practice, the clinical diagnosis of prostatitis depends on the history and physical examination, but there is no characteristic physical finding or diagnostic laboratory test.
Bacterial prostatitis is caused by the growth of bacteria that are normally found in prostatic fluid, such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella . Urine that flows back into the urethra (urine reflux) that enters the prostate can also cause the condition. Prostatitis is a tricky disease to diagnose. A doctor can feel the prostate during a digital rectal exam, but in most cases the gland will seem normal. Acute bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed from the symptoms of illness. Your health care provider will examine your abdomen and scrotum to rule out other possible diagnoses.
This type of prostatitis is difficult to treat and recurrence is possible. If the infection does not respond to the antimicrobial medication, then long-term, low dose antimicrobial medication may be prescribed. Prostatitis is diagnosed in approximately 2 of every 10,000 outpatient visits. Men between the ages of 20 and 35 who have multiple sexual partners are at an increased risk. Acute bacterial prostatitis is uncommon in prepubertal boys but frequent affects adult men. It is the most common urologic diagnosis in men younger than 50 years (Collins et al, 1998).
