Ratings of garage doors
What You Should Know About Garage Flooring
When it comes to the garage floor, you need it to be durable and capable of withstanding quite a lot of force. As your car will be going in and out of it frequently, it should be able to withstand the pressure of the car and for that reason usually the floor of the garage is concrete.
Maintaining Your Garage Flooring
Most of the time, the flooring in the garage is concrete because it is simply the best material for the job. It can be easily cleaned and it can last through all weathers. There are some people who use carpet but generally concrete is the material of choice.
Now in order to keep the garage flooring looking clean and tidy, there are various things you need to do. Cleaning it out ready for summer is one of them. Whilst you may not realize it, the garage floor often gets covered in leaves and dirt. Think about it - when you get out of the car you are likely to have some dirt on your shoes. This dirt will be transferred to the floor and it will stay there until it is clean. Leaves can also be carried on your shoes or they can blow inside on a windy day when the garage door is left open. So in order to make it look nice for summer, it is advisable to give it a good clean.
You may also want to repair parts of the flooring too if it is cracked and chipped. If you want to really work hard then you can break the concrete up. When you have done this you can then break the bits of concrete up into really fine pieces of concrete and they can be used on the driveway as gravel. That way you will be updating your driveway as well as your garage.
One handy tip that you can use which many people do not usually consider - is to spread straw over the new garage flooring. This helps to stop weeds growing up through the new flooring you will be placing over it and it will also act as insulation too. Once you have spread the straw over the flooring, you should then make a frame roughly two inches by six inches around the floor which will act as a border that stops the wet concrete from passing over it.
If you are new to construction then it is useful to know that you will need a fifty pound bag of concrete mixed with 3 gallons of water if you want to have enough concrete for the floor. Mix it together in a wheel barrow and ensure that all of the powder does completely mix with the water before you place it onto the floor.
It is a good idea to use a hoe to level out the concrete as you pour it onto the floor. This ensures that you give it an even coverage and it will allow you to cover every part of the floor too. You should leave it to dry completely before anyone or anything is allowed to touch it.
Find more details on installing hard wood flooring
Adam Peters is a syndicated writer of www.home-decorating-reviews.com .Keep reading about installing hard wood flooring and interior design at his web.
