Tie dye female shirt
First of all, the 1960's produced some excellent music that makes the perfect backdrop for your tie dying and other activities. You do not need to limit your artistic flair to shirts in this instance however, be sure to have plenty of paper, paint, pens, pencils, and crayons around to keep the artistic bent up and running throughout the entire party. If you have a swimming pool it might be a good idea to let everyone play in the pool while the shirts are setting or pursue some other sort of fun activity in the meantime such as a movie or another craft project.
Now let's discuss the menu. You can make a tie dyed tee shirt cake if you are feeling quite ambitious or get one from your favorite local bakery if you are good at describing what you want and place your order far enough ahead of time. You can have fun allowing each guest to create his or her own psychedelic pizza. You would make the dough of course and allow them to decorate the pizza with sauce, veggies, pepperoni, and/or ham. It's a lot of fun, good food and something that will make the party a little bit unique. You will also want to have plenty of good snack foods on hands such as chips, sausage rolls, pigs in blankets, sloppy Joes, fruits, cake, and groovy chocolate chip cookies if you want to be the grooviest mom of the day.
Bring the barbecue to the birthday party
If the cowboy way doesn't exactly ring all your bells and whistles there is always the notion of a Caribbean barbecue. This is a party that would make Jimmy Buffett proud. Speaking of Buffett it's probably a good idea to bring some of his music along to set the tone and there are plenty of other Caribbean or island inspired musicians to get you through the evening. Caribbean Jerk is a great rub or sauce for the chicken or fish you throw on the grill and you can make do with other traditional Caribbean fare for your dining pleasure and that of your guests.
A barbecue is a great way to bring friends and family together to celebrate birthdays. If you are a little lost as to what to do to celebrate your grown up birthday or that of a loved one, try one of the ideas above or choose your own unique spin on the theme of a barbecue.
Camping birthday bash
A military camping birthday party is a great camping party idea. Right now boys need good solid heroes and the military is a great place to find them. If you have friends or family that are serving over seas this might be a great way to help your little guy bring them closer to home for an evening and could be the best birthday memory he'll ever have. Set up pup tents, visit your local military supply or surplus store for MREs (meals ready to eat), have everyone wearing their favorite camouflage, and have an army green face painting contest before bed time.
A safari camping theme is another great theme for a terrific camping birthday party. Begin by having everyone dress appropriately for a day underneath the hot African sun, khakis, and an appropriate hat work well. Create a safari pack (goody bag) for all the kids including really chip binoculars, a net for catching stray bugs (really great for lightening bugs at night), safari themed stickers, and a picture frame that is worthy of a fearless safari adventurer (you'll definitely want to send them home with photos of their safari attire). Set up camp for the evening and serve animal crackers for dessert. You can populate the tent with stuffed animals of favorite safari animals and supplement the adventure with a trip to the zoo for even grander effect and more fun.
